The Change Agent Network
The Change Agent Network (CAN), an initiative funded by the Victorian Government Department of Health and led by Turning Point in collaboration with VAADA, the Bouverie Centre, and Bendigo Community Health Services, drew a diverse cohort of emerging and established leaders in the Alcohol and Other Drugs Sector (AOD) from across Victoria.
The leadership program, developed and delivered by LV, took participants on a ‘deep dive’ experience in leadership inside and outside the workplace, preparing and enabling them to develop a robust and thriving community of practice to generate and support culture change within the AOD sector, particularly during and beyond the sector reform process.

“Through our leadership program, we hoped to achieve a more robust and cohesive group of leaders, who could shepherd major reforms in the alcohol and other drugs sector… Since completing our program, the Change Agent Network Community of Practice has met monthly. We have appointed office bearers, developed our Terms of Reference and written a project plan as a Community of Practice. As leaders in a time of change, we have been able to share information and ideas, and supported each other in our leadership development. ”
Sally Ryan, Convenor, Change Agent Network
Source: Leadership Victoria Yearbook 2014
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